TGR Staff | Photo by Vincent Guth – 10/11/2022
The winter months are fast approaching and this means many of us are slowly making changes to our daily routines and lifestyles. The nights are drawing in closer, temperatures are dropping and we’re going to find ourselves facing more adverse weather conditions, such as rain, sleet, fog, and snow. One big area you need to focus on during this time of year is driving. Sure, driving can feel like a blessing during the winter. Rather than having to stand freezing waiting for public transport or walking to and from the public transport stops, you can head directly from your front door to your end destination in a temperature-controlled and sheltered setting. But you do need to be more careful and carry out more vigorous precautions. Here’s more information that can help you to achieve this.
Get Your Car Serviced
Putting your car in for a service ensures that a professional takes a full check of every element of it. They will be able to alert you to any problems that you need to resolve, from new tires to new brakes, windscreen wiper replacement, or anything else that will help to keep you safe on the roads. Once your service is complete, you can drive away, safe in the knowledge that your vehicle is in the best condition it can possibly be.
Use Anti-Freeze Screenwash
Your car’s screenwash should be topped up at all times, but during the winter months, it’s generally recommended that you use specialist anti-freeze screenwashes. These are less likely to freeze in your car’s screenwash tank and help to defrost frozen windscreens when you use the spray while you’re starting your car up. It also avoids causing frozen liquid on your windscreen while you’re driving in cold temperatures.
Clear Your Windows Fully
It’s important that you clear your windows fully before attempting to drive anywhere. Sure, it can be tempting to drive when just enough snow or ice has cleared for you to see through the driver’s side, but you need the entire windscreen to be completely clear in order to drive properly and safely. This will guarantee you a clear field of vision.
Know What to Do In an Accident
Sometimes, you can experience bumps or other incidents on the road during harsher conditions. It’s important that you know what to do if you do experience an accident of any kind. First, you should make sure to stop as you can safely do so. Check whether anyone needs medical assistance. If not, make sure to take the details of anyone else involved for insurance purposes and to get in touch with a car accident lawyer for further support and assistance.
Allow Extra Time
You should make sure to allow extra time for any journey that you have planned. Often, you will find that you have to drive more slowly if it is raining, frosty, freezing, snowing or windy. There may be extra traffic too. Make sure to always allow extra time for every journey so you’re not in a rush and can still get everywhere on time.
Each of these tips should help you to drive properly and safely throughout the winter months!