TGR Staff
A YouTuber who runs a conspiracy channel called “MAG TRUTH ON THE RUN” that has videos claiming that the Freemasons are behind everything from faking the Moon Landing to covering up that Elizabeth Taylor and Dolly Parton were actually born as men. Well, apparently Freemason’s have struck again this time attempting to fool the masses at the Daytona 500 by faking the Ryan Newman crash.
MAG’s video goes into detail such as he can’t see Ryan Newman in the car, and that if you look at the fact that Ryan Newman’s car is number six, with six on both doors and the roof, his car is actually… 666, which we all know is the sign of the antichrist. The conspiracy gets deeper as MAG points out that Corey Lajoie was driving number 32, which is the highest degree in the Scottish Rite of Freemason that can be earned, he ends each of his points with an enthusiastic “BAM.” He also goes on to explain that the Black & White checkered flag is also a symbol of the Freemasons and that NASCAR was created to market products to the masses and actually uses remote control cars.
While it is hard to know if the channel is serious or satire as it would require knowing nothing about how physics or fire extinguishers work, but after watching a few of his other videos he seems pretty serious about his conspiracies.
CLICK HERE to watch it for yourself.