Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

by Michael Satterfield - Photos Provided by Sally Mott - 08/21/2024

At 15, many teenagers are concerned with social events, high school exams, or the latest trends. For Sally Mott, however, this age marked the pivotal moment when she decided to shift gears—literally and metaphorically. Surrounded by the roar of engines and the smell of burning rubber, Mott’s passion for racing was not just a hobby but a calling.

Mott’s journey began years earlier, at the age of eight, when she first gripped the wheel of a go-kart. Her father, a seasoned racer himself, had been a guiding force, introducing her to motorsport early on. “My dad’s been racing since he was eight,” Mott recalls. “I grew up around it and had a natural interest that led me to want to start racing.” Her early years were spent learning the basics—how to steer, apply throttle, and brake—on makeshift courses set up in parking lots. This foundational training laid the groundwork for a stellar racing career.

Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

Despite her deep-rooted interest, it wasn’t until that fateful day at 15 that Mott’s mindset shifted. Something inside her clicked, and she turned to her father with determination, asking if they could take her racing aspirations seriously. Elated, her father agreed, and they soon found themselves at the local kart track, where Mott’s racing journey officially began.

Before Mott fully immersed herself in the racing world, she dabbled in various sports and hobbies. From dancing and colorguard to rollerblading and mountain biking, her interests were as diverse as they were dynamic. Yet, none captured her heart quite like racing. “I loved dancing and colorguard, but something about racing just felt right,” Mott says. This drive, this insatiable desire for speed, propelled her to leave behind her other passions and focus solely on the track. 

When Mott finally committed to racing, her family’s reactions were mixed. Her father, a mentor and coach, was thrilled. He had always seen potential in Mott and was eager to pass on his knowledge. “My dad was thrilled that I wanted to start pursuing racing seriously,” Mott explains. “He was very supportive, giving me all the tools I needed to succeed.” On the other hand, her mother was more apprehensive, understanding the inherent dangers of motorsport. Yet, despite her fears, she supported Mott’s ambitions, knowing it was what made her daughter truly happy.

Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

Mott’s early experiences in karting taught her invaluable lessons that she would carry into her car racing career. She learned the importance of quick reactions, racecraft, and the nuances of braking and cornering—skills that would serve her well as she transitioned from karting to cars. It was a natural progression, one driven by Mott’s desire to take her racing to the next level. “I fell in love with racing through karting so much that I decided I wanted to do it as a career,” she says. After researching various options, Mott and her father switched to a Spec Miata, attracted by Mazda’s grassroots support and ladder system to the MX-5 Cup.

However, the transition from karting to cars was challenging. Managing the car's weight transfer proved difficult initially, and it took time for Mott to adapt to the new dynamics. “At first, I struggled with keeping the car underneath me,” she admits. “The shifting wasn’t an issue because I owned a manual Miata as my daily driver, but heel-toeing and mastering slip angle took a lot of work.” With her father’s guidance, Mott persevered, spending countless hours at the track, refining her technique until she mastered the art of car control.

Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

One of the most significant turning points in Mott’s career came when she met Ben Keating, a renowned racer and fellow Texan. The two connected through a local racing club, where Keating was a guest speaker. Learning that they both hailed from Victoria, Texas, sparked a conversation that would change Mott’s life. “In the call, it was brought up that we both lived in the same town. That caught his attention, and we began talking on the phone,” Mott recalls. What followed was an invitation from Keating to join his team for a 24-hour ChampCar race at Virginia International Raceway (VIR). This offer included flying in his private jet to the event.

The experience at VIR was transformative. Racing in a 24-hour endurance event required stamina, focus, and an unwavering commitment to the team. For Mott, it was a trial by fire, one that would shape her approach to racing moving forward. “It gave me a sense of confidence that I didn’t know I would ever have,” she says. “It definitely gave me the courage to start finding the money to make my MX-5 Cup debut.”

Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

Keating’s mentorship extended beyond the track. On the plane ride to VIR, he asked Mott about her long-term career goals. When she expressed her desire to compete in the Mazda MX-5 Cup, Keating encouraged her to pursue it sooner rather than later despite her reservations about not being ready. “He told me that I shouldn’t waste my time where there was no exposure,” Mott says. “What he told me really got me thinking. It opened my horizons and made me think of the bigger picture.”

Mott’s hard work and perseverance paid off when she received the Mazda MX-5 Cup scholarship, a significant milestone in her racing career. Although she was not initially selected as a finalist for the shootout, her determination and talent ultimately secured her place in the program. “I was elated! After not being an original finalist for the shootout, I couldn’t believe that I actually did it,” Mott says. With the scholarship in hand, Mott knew she had to act quickly, selling her Spec Miata and purchasing an MX-5 Cup car to prepare for the season opener at Daytona.

Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

The pressure was immense, but Mott thrived under it, driven by the support of her team and the knowledge that she was on the path to achieving her dreams. Her relationship with Keating, forged during that fateful weekend at VIR, remained strong, with the two crossing paths at various racing events. “We occasionally see each other at the track when we are both racing,” Mott says. “We will always have a bond, and I will always be eternally grateful for what he did for me that weekend.”

As Mott continues to climb the ranks in motorsport, she remains focused on her long-term goals. Beyond the MX-5 Cup, she dreams of competing in the 24 Hours of Le Mans with the Iron Dames, an all-female racing team. “My heart gravitates to the 24 Hours of Le Mans,” she says. “I want to stay in sports car racing, but if another opportunity prevailed, like NASCAR or open-wheel, I wouldn’t turn it down.”

Mott’s journey is far from over, but she’s already made an indelible mark on the world of racing. Her story is one of perseverance, passion, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. For young girls looking to follow in her footsteps, Mott offers this advice: “You can do anything you put your mind to. Although it may seem intimidating, no one is Superman, and you are just as capable as the boys. Use it as fuel to work 10 times harder to make your dreams a reality.”

Car Girl: Sally Mott, From Karting Prodigy to Racing Sensation

With a promising career ahead of her and a legacy already taking shape, Sally Mott is a name to watch in motorsport. From her early days karting in parking lots to racing alongside some of the sport’s biggest names, Mott’s journey is a testament to the power of determination and the drive to succeed. As she continues to push boundaries and break barriers, there’s no doubt that Mott will leave an enduring legacy on and off the track—a legacy that will inspire the next generation of racers, both male and female, to chase their dreams with the same tenacity and passion that has defined her career.

You can follow Sally's Motorsports Career on and on Instagram @sallymottracing.