by Michael Satterfield – 02/21/2022
Expanding to a printed quarterly version of The Gentleman Racer® has been a monumental task, but the first volume is finally shipping out. We received our first copies last week and the rest of production is Like many things the global supply chain has been affecting the printing industry, and my choice to ensure that the magazine was printed in the USA likely exacerbated that situation.
While the goal was to have all of our print copies shipped by the middle of February, most readers will likely see their first copy in the first week of March. Production of Vol II is already underway and we have already had to expand the page count to accommodate more great content. While we originally designed the magazine as a journal size, that limited our printing options and we have had to move to a more traditional size magazine so we can hit the print deadline. Some people will be receiving a journal-size version of the magazine for this first issue, but moving forward we are printing in a full-size format.
You can purchase the full-size version of the magazine HERE and have it shipped directly to you.