This past October, California became the first state in the nation to ban the sale of products that are made from exotic animal skins and furs. Bills AB1260 and AB44 expanded existing restrictions on the manufacturing, importing, or sale of alligator, crocodile, and fur products in the state.
Effective on January 1, 2020, it will be illegal to import, possess with the intent to sell or to sell products derived from crocodiles, alligators, caiman, and several other reptiles under Section 653O of the California Penal Code. The misdemeanor charge comes with a fine up to $5,000 and/or six months in the county jail. The law doesn’t seem to make a distinction for existing inventory already within the state, prompting most manufacturers to pull all products for sale in California before the January 1st deadline.
While it is unclear if watchmakers will shift away completely from reptile leather for watch bands, some manufacturers and retailers have already sent emails (below) to customers announcing that they will no longer be selling or shipping alligator and other exotic straps to California. If you are in the Golden State and like the classic look of an alligator strap you better shop soon or plan to pick up your contraband watch or strap on your next trip to Las Vegas.