We may have reached peak Emoji with the news that drivers in the state of Queensland, Australia will be able to add one of five of the iconic emoji faces to their license plates starting March 1st. The plates are being offered by the state’s official license plate vendor, Personalised Plates Queensland (PPQ), and features a Smiling Face, Winking Face, Crying Laughing Face, Sunglasses Face, and Heart Eyes Face, you can also get a Heart Icon as part of their ” I love” series.
PPQ has a wide range of custom plates already, from classic European style plates, plates with photorealistic backgrounds, plates with space for your own logo or the logo of your favorite sports team, and many other combinations. Drivers will have to select just one emoji per-plate and five other numbers/letters. Unlike in the United States, vanity plates are generally around $100 per year, but in Australia, custom number plates can cost thousands, the basic emoji plates start at around $340 (USD).
You do have to wonder how police are going to write up a ticket for a license plate with emojis, but I am sure they will figure it out.
Photos via Personalised Plates Queensland