The brand Very Troubled Child, takes its name from a fictional book in Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom and is the brainchild of Alberto Favaretto an Italian who now lives in Hong Kong. Alberto, a fan of Anderson’s work wanted to create high-quality, but affordable versions of the luggage inspired by the film but putting his own unique twist on each collection. Each piece pays homage to the esthetic that Anderson is known for but still stands on their own.
The collection shown here is from their Savanna Collection which offers three hard trunks, three soft bags including the duffle, a backpack, small bags, a belt, and passport case. In addition to the Savanna, they have the ‘Birds of Feather’ Collection, the “Seafarer’ Collection, and have recently introduced the new lower-priced canvas ‘Zebra’ Collection. Prices range from $145 to $2,999 depending on the bag/trunk.
You can purchase online at the official Very Troubled Child website HERE.