by Michael Satterfield
I don’t often ask my audience to give to a cause or to support a charity, but please take the time to read this.
Since 1999 I have been volunteering in Nicaragua with a small NGO called Harvest Initiative. From building schools to drilling wells we have worked on a number of projects mostly around the Capital of Managua. Over the last 19 years, we have seen thousands of children benefit from the schools our teams have built and contributed to.
In 2017 we shifted focus to the east coast of Nicaragua and began working in the Alamikamba community, where we built the first computer lab in the region for child and adult education. The Prinzapolka River village of Alamikamba is remote and requires traveling via small aircraft or several hours by truck or boat. You can see my vlog from last year HERE.
In March of 2018, I and the team will be returning to Alamikamba to install a solar power system that will offer stable sustainable power for the computer lab. We will also be shooting a short film about the area and the work that is being done in the community.
Besides the primary goal of working on the computer lab and other projects, we will be making a documentary about the process of working in Nicaragua and the team who have left their homes in the US and other parts of the world to serve in the jungles of Nicaragua. The video will be used to bring more awareness to the work that Harvest Initiative is doing.
If you would like to donate to this project I have set up an Indigogo Generosity page here. All the funds will go towards this next project of building out the solar system for the computer lab as well as filming the documentary. Even if you can just donate $1 or share this project with your friends on social media we would love to see a large community come together to support this work.