The average price for a 1 bedroom home in San Francisco is $575,000. In other parts of the country you get a little more for your money, like this listing on eBay, were the buy it now price of $425,000 will not only get you an 80 acre farm, but your own race track. The only issue is, it is in Kentucky.
Check out the listing info below, or CLICK HERE to visit the listing on Ebay. Up for sale is an 80 Acre Racetrack/farm located in Mount Vernon, Kentucky. 23 acres Fenced for Live Stock with Fresh Watering Trough. Has 36 Acres of cleared land and 44 acres of Timber. Track location is gated off from the livestock area, with additional gates to lock the oval from trespassing. Track is a 1/3 Mile 60′ wide asphalt Oval. New asphalt was laid in 2000, Along with 5′ Guard Rails Made of 4 rails of Armco Railing. Also has 8 foot of catch fence above the Railing. Pit Side contains: Ticket Booth. Concession Kitchen with Appliances Restrooms (handicap Accessible) include: 2 Bay Women’s Restroom 1 Bay Men’s Restroom & 1 Urinal with room for expansion. Newly built Concrete Bleachers, 7 Rows x 80′ Uncovered Spectator’s Side contains: |