Sources are telling us that NBC is developing a new drama called The Crew, set in the world of NASCAR from Heroes writer-producer Joe Pokaski and NBC Universal-based producer Scott Stuber. The ensemble revolves around the family of distinctly different “brothers” on a NASCAR racing team who have their own lives and dreams, opportunities and problems — but as a team share a singular goal to win.
The show is rumord to be working with NASCAR on the project. NBC is in negotiations with the racing league for the rights to use its name, logos, tracks, race footage, etc. According to The Deadline, Stuber already has a similar arrangement with NASCAR on the feature side at Universal Pictures where he is producing a NASCAR drama with Gary Ross attached to direct. CAA-repped Pokaski is writing/executive producing The Crew under his overall deal with UMS which is producing the project.
[Source: The Deadline]