Weekend Escape in the Lexus LX600 F-Sport

Weekend Escape in the Lexus LX600 F-Sport

by Michael Satterfield - 07/17/2023

We climbed into the luxurious Lexus LX600, this week's test vehicle, ready to conquer the open road for a weekend of luxury. With a full tank of gas and a heart filled with anticipation, we embarked on the roughly three-hour drive to Truluck's Dallas, our first stop, where an evening of indulgence awaited.

As the engine purred beneath the hood, we merged onto the highway, leaving the city limits of Bryan behind. The landscape unfolded like a cinematic masterpiece, with vast stretches of rural ranches and picturesque scenery, interpreted only by the occasional small town. The LX600 F Sport trim was a capsule of luxury, isolating us from the noise and chaos of the highway.

Weekend Escape in the Lexus LX600 F-Sport

With each passing mile, my anticipation grew. Thoughts of culinary fantasies prepared by the skilled team at Truluck's danced in my head, the promise of a lavish happy hour fueling my imagination. The clock ticked away, and soon enough, the shimmering skyline of Dallas began to paint the horizon. Navigating the bustling streets of Dallas, The LX600 felt at home as we pulled up to the valet stand at the restaurant, the valet reminded me I would need to remove my hat, as they are not allowed in a high-end establishment like Truluck's. He also remarked how much he loved the bright red interior of the Lexus.

Inside, the air was filled with a symphony of clinking glasses and laughter, as patrons reveled in the decadent atmosphere. We took a seat adjacent to the bar, surrounded by an array of interesting characters, a man in a western suit and cowboy hat (apparently some hats are allowed) spoke of the woes of owning a private plane to a group of men who looked like they were on the 19th hole. A young couple on their first date exchanged awkward small talk, while an older couple just past them ate their meal in silence. The bartender, a master of his craft, was busy behind the bar crafting a signature cocktail with finesse, I had ordered a Sea Plane, bourbon, aperol, amaro, passionfruit, and fresh lemon. The perfect libation to accompany the happy hour menu which was laid out before us. Jennifer ordered a Stone Fruit Rita made with blanco tequila, peach, apricot, fresh lime, and hibiscus tea, a refreshing drink for these muggy Dallas summers.  

Weekend Escape in the Lexus LX600 F-Sport

Out came the Hiramasa Ponzu, a sashimi of yellowtail with tamari, citrus, and jalapeño that melted in your mouth, Next up was a jumbo shrimp cocktail with atomic horseradish, followed by a steak slider that was next level. The sampling continued, each bite left us wanting more, but eventually, we had to say, no more, The food was incredible, the service impeccable, and the ambiance created an unforgettable experience.

With satisfied palates and contented spirits, we bid farewell to Truluck's, the Lexus LX600 was pulled to the front immediately and we plugged in directions to the Omni Resort in Las Colinas, which thankfully was a mere 15-minute drive from the restaurant. Las Colinas is an oasis in the hustle and bustle of the DFW Metroplex, a respite of luxury and space amid the vast urban sprawl. 

Weekend Escape in the Lexus LX600 F-Sport

Arriving at the Omni Resort in Las Colinas, I hand the keys to another valet LX600, and head to the front desk to check in, we were looking forward to spending time within the resort's lavish confines. Overlooking the lake and the everchanging city skyline, our room offered beautiful views as the sun slipped behind the horizon. If you have time, be sure to spend as much as you have to spare in a cabana by the pool, enjoying offerings from The Lakehouse Waterfront Lounge, forgetting you are in Irving,Texas, and not some far-flung resort in an exotic location. 

The Lexus, Truluck's, and The Omni... are all ingredients for the perfect DFW escape, and with every trip, it ends far too soon. We are heading to another event across town, but not before stopping off for breakfast at Flossie's The Omni's in-house breakfast restaurant on the lake level. As yet another young man brings the Lexus up to the valet stand, he gets out and remarks how much he loves the red interior, I suppose in the world of tan and black interiors the bright red stands out, especially in a Lexus SUV. But we would be on the road for hours, and red or not, the interior in the Lexus LX600 is a very nice place to be. For more visit lexus.com/models/LX.